Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Get 'em while you can...

Hey folks, I've been doing this for six months now. Unlike other blogs, there are a full six months of active mp3 links available here. Soon, I'll need to start removing some of the older links to make room for other stuff. So, if there's anything in the archives that you think you may want to download, do it soon. I'll return with some more music later this week. In the meantime, dig the archives. The January archive mp3s will be gone by the end of the month, and then February, and then...


  1. Thanks for the wonderful songs!


  2. Simply to thank you for putting to my attention the fact that we could go 6 months behind. Found really great stuff there!
    Keep on! You expand my musical intelligence!!

  3. Ted-- what are you doing hangin' out at E.H. Crump and 3rd St. That's my turf baby!
    Nah, seriously, though I've always been intrigued by the signage in this photo but don't know the story behind it. Any clues?

  4. Preston,

    I'm impressed with your keen eye for detail, which lends itself well to the fine archeological digs you are carrying out there in Memphis.
    I was there with my girlfriend visiting her family, and at that particular moment i was motoring around with John Beifuss looking for things to photograph. I don't remember if it was the broken down strip mall or the sign bearing my initials that caught my eye first.
    Anyhow, I was less than pleased with the resulting photograph, but knew the signage would have a place here in Fluville. I was wondering myself what this place could have been - it was closed down and for rent - but any studio in your town
    could potentially have been the site of something interesting. Thanks for noticing.


  5. I wouldn't be displeased with the photo, Ted.
    'Course I'm no pro, either.
    I'll have to ask around about TB, then and post something.

  6. Preston, I'm glad you're on the case.


  7. Thank you for all the songs, and thanks for the little sound bite of Bob talking about the number 7.

  8. I've become a regular visitor to your site since I heard of it over at expectingrain. Thank you for expanding this reader's understanding of American music. Thank you also for the wonderful photos.

  9. Ted, I'm not even going to bother looking back over the 'chives, because I don't recall ever taking a pass on a single thing you've posted. I hope you saw the shout-out I gave your Memphis portmanteau on the WFMU blog. You are the man.
